Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Oh motivation, where are you?

So I've got none. Zero, zilch, not so much as a shred. Well maybe a shred...I am writing this. I could have been finished with my thesis by now. I could have been done with this whole college thing all together. I could be working and making money, owning a house, and living in marital bliss with cute little rugrats. But for some reason, none of that has happened. Am I waiting for what's really supposed to happen to me? Or am I just dragging my ass? Who knows. I'm caught somewhere between contentment and expansion. I'll never be happy with being content, that I'm pretty sure of. But will I ever find anything that makes me happy? Or is my happiness found only in the search? It is not an easy thing on those who are close to me, when I am always restless. It probably never will be.

I want more out of life, but I don't want to give up what I have. There you go - the story of my existance, in one neat sentance.

May compassion be always in your heart, and peace be always on your tongue.

- J


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