Thursday, March 02, 2006

Just when you get things almost figured out...

...a dozen more wrenches get thrown in the works. I went to the 'career fair' last year with high hopes. I was going to find my dream job in green building, and everything was going to work out great. What did I find? Shiza. Not a thing. "Green what?" So for the past year I've basically been planning my life under the assumption that I needed to approach sustainable devolpment from the building side of things rather than the engineering side of things.

Then yesterday happens.

I wasn't even going to go to the career fair. After all, I saw all I needed last year, right? For some reason I went anyway, armed to the teeth with resumes and professional dress. I walk in thinking I'm just going to look around, and walk out two hours later with essentially 5 job offers. Not a big deal, really, since I got a bunch of offers last year to do things I don't want to do. But this year, three sounded very interesting.

That's where the problem comes in. I was all set to start building houses. Heck, I'm almost ready to buy one in the coming month or so. Now this. I've got too many options, and I can't narrow them down. Don't get me wrong, it's good to have options. But I've got so many damn options floating around that empty space above my shoulders it feels like an arena football game inside there. All sorts of action. And all I'm getting out of it is brain overload.

So here's a Poll. Partly to get some opinions, partly to see if anyone reads this stuff.

Should I:

A) Suck it up and do some engineering. After all, you did go to school for 12 years for it.

B) Suck it up and do some engineering. The pay will be much better in the long run.

C) Stay working for my father's excavation business. You like being outside better anyway, and the pay is about what you'd start at in engineering.

D) Start building houses. It's the only way you'll ever get to control your 'sustainable development future'.

E) STFU. I'm sick of your whining.
You should just move to Nepal and become a monk. That way no one will have to listen to you talk ever again thanks to your vow of silence.

F) Does it really matter? You won't be happy no matter what you do. Work sucks. Accept this now, and find stuff outside of work to meet your happiness quota.

E) Other. Please explain.

So that's my poll. Please respond, feel free to haze me. It's good for me.

May compassion be always in your heart, and peace be always on your tongue.

- J


Blogger ArmOnFire said...

You will do what is right, you have no choice but to........


10:37 PM  

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