Thursday, November 02, 2006

Winter is coming...

Famous words from one of my favorite books, and a reflection of what I see out the window. This time of year always makes me a little sad, yet at the same time fills me with almost giddy levels of hope. The cold signals that another year has come and gone. I guess this year hasn't been all that bad, when I sit back and look at it. Sure I didn't get to ride that much, but I thoroughly enjoyed each ride I was able to get in. I bought a house (and all the problems it came with) and started down the road to financial independence. A subtle reminder to get my life in gear showed up in the form of a 700 lb steel plow frame (funny how I'm still dragging even now). And I led my first NHOC trip in almost two years. Man, this sounds like I'm saying goodbye to 2006! Two months left.... Guess I better get busy - if I can describe my year in one paragraph I need some excitement before the new year!!

May compassion be always in your heart, and peace be always on your tongue.

- J


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