Thursday, November 30, 2006

If anyone still reads this thing, you might remember that I had a post way back in June about how I had finally done it - applied to Bensonwood, that is. Well get this - I'm driving out there to interview tomorrow. I don't think I've ever been this nervous for a job interview. Of course, I've always been exceptionally well qualified for other jobs I've interviewed for. That, and I think my father is a bit disappointed. Not necessarily in me, but disappointed that I'm not going to be working for him. I think he had always hoped I would take over his business and turn it into some monster company. You know, take what he built and expand it - just like sons are supposed to do. Maybe I'm just putting too much pressure on myself. I know he just wants me to be happy, but dammit - it's hard being the oldest son. So many expectations, real and perceived.

Oh well, nothing to do now but show up and try and wow them, right? Think good thoughts about me tomorrow...

May compassion be always in your heart, and peace be always on your tongue.

- J

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Winter is coming...

Famous words from one of my favorite books, and a reflection of what I see out the window. This time of year always makes me a little sad, yet at the same time fills me with almost giddy levels of hope. The cold signals that another year has come and gone. I guess this year hasn't been all that bad, when I sit back and look at it. Sure I didn't get to ride that much, but I thoroughly enjoyed each ride I was able to get in. I bought a house (and all the problems it came with) and started down the road to financial independence. A subtle reminder to get my life in gear showed up in the form of a 700 lb steel plow frame (funny how I'm still dragging even now). And I led my first NHOC trip in almost two years. Man, this sounds like I'm saying goodbye to 2006! Two months left.... Guess I better get busy - if I can describe my year in one paragraph I need some excitement before the new year!!

May compassion be always in your heart, and peace be always on your tongue.

- J