Friday, June 29, 2007

Is this thing on?

So it's been a while since I posted here. To all of you who check this every day waiting to get some speck of contact from me - I wish you existed. Seriously, though, thanks for reading if you're here.

Winter was not kind to the ol' physique...and heading into this summer I was definitely behind the 8-ball (albeit heavy enough to be clearly visible to either side) as far as fitness goes. Last year was a rough one physically, especially with the whole 'blind-sided by 700 lbs of steel to the back of the leg' incident. But this year is going to be different.

I signed up for two 50+ mile mountain bike races - the Hampshire 100(k) and Vermont 50. So far so good, although finding time to ride is very hard when you're working late every other night and trying to maintain a house on top of that. But I'm already in better shape this year than I was at any point last year. I've got 7 weeks left until the Hampshire 100 and I intend to make the most of them.

Random thought: I love fresh strawberries. Love love love love them.

May compassion be always in your heart, and peace be always on your tongue.

- J


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