Monday, March 06, 2006

The gear gods hate me!

What a weekend for riding! Saturday brought cold temperatures and even colder winds, but with the predictions calling for a return to warm weather I figured I had better get out and enjoy the bike(s) before the trails entered their yearly spring unrideable-ness. Z and I decided to hit FOMBA, then head over to Nault's. I love riding with Z because he's without a doubt the best rider I know. Every time I ride with him, I get amazingly challenged. Saturday was no exception. By the end of the ride, I was cramping in 50% of my major leg muscles. And I loved every minute of it! Except the minute where I hit that tree on Moose Tracks, went OTB, dragged my shin across the bars, and landed 5 feet down trail only to find a shoe still clipped into my pedal and no longer on my foot (I guess it's a good thing my foot wasn't still in the shoe. Although with the foot warmer still on, it looked like a complete foot and ankle...). After putting the shoe back on, straightening my stem, and reattaching my camelbak hose to the bladder, off we went. Not ten minutes later, I managed to somehow kick up a rock the size of softball (except without any round edges). Where did it hit me? In the exact spot on the top of my shin that I had nailed in previous encounter with that tree. What was even weirder was the type of pain that ensued. Not so much point acute pain, but more of a throbbing ache - almost as if all of my bones in that leg had split in half lengthwise. Very strange, and not so pleasant. Oh well, that's biking. I'll take that over a cubicle any day. Moral of the story: I rode with Z and was physically destroyed.

So Sunday I ride with AOF over at Ft. Rock. I figure I'll take the gearie out because I'm tired, and those nice, easy gears will help out. I spent a bunch of time swapping tires, brakes, and wheels over to the Gunnar to prep it for a good ride in soft sloggy snow. And it was a good thing I did, because soft, sloggy snow was the soup de jour on Sunday. About 3 seconds into the ride, I realize that the only gearing that would really help my tired ass is 4:11's in a Jeep. Not only that, but the Gunnar fits me like a woman's size 8; it looks about right but just feels awkward, and I can't get comfortable on it. We ride with Phresh (thanks for all the VW info!) and AOF's bud R and get in two hours of laid back weather-enjoying good stuff.

Here's where the bicycle gods come in.You'll notice that the bike god has no shifter-thingy hanging down in back. I've known this for a while now, but still chose to break out the gears on Sunday. How do they repay me?
By mangling my rear derailleur with a stick, of course. Shame on me for succumbing to the shifter-thingies!!! Now I'm out 45 bucks, which sux.

Fortunately, I listen when the bike gods speak. (except when they tell me to buy a new custom frame each morning) I see their dislike of the complexity of gears and associated shifter thingies. And, I agree. So instead of buying another easily mangled shifter-thingy for $45, why not get this for $120?

Isn't it sexy? And in that nice polished aluminum, it'll look great with my pretty silver Gunnar. Especially without gears!

View pics from Sunday's ride here
. And get out and enjoy the nice weather!!!!

May compassion be always in your heart, and peace be always on your tongue.

- J


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